Support Our LGBTQ Fund

We offer two options for giving:

  • Endowed Gifts are invested in the Community Foundation's investment pool and provide long-term stability for the Fund for the organizations that seek grants from it.

  • Immediate, or non endowed gifts are used sooner, usually in the next grant cycle.

Both are great options for donors and you are welcome to contribute to either Fund. 

Choose your gift designation below to support Our LGBTQ Fund; if you have questions or wish to make a multi-year pledge, donate appreciated assets, or are interested in making a bequest or planned gift please contact Jenine Torres, Development Officer at 616-454-1751. Learn more about the fund and how to join Our LGBTQ Fund Leadership Circle by visiting Our LGBTQ Fund.

Donation Information
$ 2,500.00
$ 1,500.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 500.00
$ 100.00
$ 50.00
Additional Information
Type of gift:
Billing Information
Please enter only the name of the person relate to the billing information - if your gift should also be credited to your spouse/partner please indicate this using the recognition field above.
Payment Information
help *
Matching Gifts
Honor or Memorialize Someone Special
Honor/Memorial Information

Shelley and Carol

Carol Sarosik & Shelley Padnos
LGBTQ Fund Founders

Jenine Torres Image
Jenine Torres, CAP
Development Officer
616.454.1751 x 126








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